
Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Many of you passed me Kleenex when you heard that the little counted thread shop I patronize on the weekends is closing due to the owner's move deep into West Virginia. (I live 8 miles from the WVA line but she's going hundreds of miles away!) Now my only shopping option is to drive 75 minutes one way to visit Needlewoman East. [Jane bursts into tears again.]

However, Sherry's sampler business is online and will still be around.

Check out her newest sampler design, Rabbit Run, by clicking on the Newest Designs link and then the photo of Rabbit Run. I'd file that under Modern Medieval Charming, wouldn't you?

While I'm thinking about new designs, Robin at Amy Bunger's website emailed me to say that Amy's latest class, the Halloween bear, is ready for viewing. Click on the link and then again on the little bear's front and back pictures to see larger images. We have another thing to label Charming!

Fortunately, a new needlepoint shop is opening in the neighborhood of Needlewoman East so I'll have another place to visit occasionally when I do get in the area. It's called the Waste Knot. Here's their new website.

Shops do come and go as things change and folks who spend so much time running a business for our benefit decide to go into other directions. We appreciate all that! So hello to the new folks (and items) and goodbye to those who are leaving the business behind and doing other things.

We love you all.

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