
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How About a Border?

Yesterday's entry mentined how much I'd like to use my shades-of-chili pepper red Watercolours in a border for this piece. For those who don't read the Comments, NC Pat added, "I like the bamboo border that Sharon did and here's a thought: Use one of the golds that you are planning to use in the mask and use one of the reds like she did to separate for drama. Or, use your cashmere stitch colors and use a gold for the red."

I liked Pat's ideas so much I thought I'd put them here so everyone can see.  I'm still going to try a few alternating cashmere pair stitches in my Watercolours sometime.  I did more background last night and I'll be doing background for at least another week I think.  So bear with me.  With the holidays approaching I probably don't have the brain cells to spare for coming up with any other stitches.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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