
Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Baroque Silk

Yesterday I mentioned using the new Baroque Silk to stitch the black felt slipper the wizard wears. Above is a photo of some of the colors available in this thread. I used the black, which is called 1498 Witching Hour. A strand of black runs out of the skein with the end divided into the three plies that make up the perle twist of this thread. You can separate the plies to stitch with this on 18 count canvas. See the tiny crinkly thread that is a short strand cut loose? That is how the thread looks unplied. I didn't dampen the thread to get rid of the kinks and everything looked ok when stitched, but depending on your stitch, you might want to.

My opinion is that this thread has a quiet glow. It's not as shiny as silk floss, but it isn't as matte as wool. It looks like a lighter weight crewel wool to me but it doesn't feel like it. Doesn't feel like silk, either. It's a strange animal, but a nice addition to the stitching basket.

Remember that when I plied my black Baroque I found white areas that the dye hadn't touched. If you are stitching something where this might be a problem on 18 count (you won't see this unless you unravel the thread which you wouldn't do on 13 count), use another thread.

Needle in a Haystack has lovely photos of the colors (which are glorious!) and a link to Pure Palette's website.

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