
Monday, September 15, 2008

Plans without Photos

Since last night I worked mostly on the background behind the wizard and the firebird, I didn't bother taking a photo this morning. I did add a topknot and a tongue to the bird and have started the wizard's hair and beard. Once the wizard is no longer bald I will add the stone to the top of his staff. I don't want to do that until I am no longer stitching in that area or I'll snag each pass of the threads on the stone!

After that I will need to finish the background and do some final touches. Will I give the wizard glasses? Will I adjust the title on the apricot book? Will I attach the silver moon and brass star charms around the globe the wizard holds or stitch them instead? Am I going to add tassels or something else to the end of his sleeves and tip of his cloak hood? Lots of decisions to ponder as I work the background!

You might want to look at Joan Thomasson's original Holiday Spirit Santa to see how she used the moon and star charms and how she handled tassels on this piece. You can see the piece here by clicking first on Catalogue, then on Holiday Spirits. After that, choose the size of the wizard image that you are interested in viewing, depending on the detail you want and how fast your Internet connection is.

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  1. FWIW, I think the charms would be a nice touch. On my Celestial Santa, I intended to get star charms for the stars hanging off the moon. I ordered them and they didn't come and didn't come and finally I called and the store had not ordered them, so I gave up. I sort of wish I'd been a little more persistant.

  2. I probably will use the silver moon and brass star charms that came with my kit, but I won't decide until I finish the beard and hair which are silver-grey with metallic sparkle among the silk. I want all the silvers to look good together. I also am not wild about the brass stars but they look nice with the brass trunk lock, so I guess I'll use them.

    Sometimes, Margaret, it's not worth the aggravation to get these items. I always ask shops now before I order if they plan to put in the order right away or if they wait until they have a certain dollar amount to order. Some places won't allow shops to place small orders so they collect them. And that can take a very long while, especially if then the place takes 6 weeks to fill a shop order!


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