
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Seminar Fun

Both ANG and EGA Seminar photos are available on the Internet if you'd like to have some vicarious fun.

The well known counted thread teacher Gay Ann Rogers posted many photos from the EGA Seminar on her website. Just click on EGA Photos to start looking. Don't miss clicking on various photos on the home page, however. Gay Ann likes to hide surprises under these photos, including hints of the charts she will sell in her annual online sale of extra charts which is coming up soon.

ANG has lots of photos of events at the ANG Seminar. These photos aren't that great (usually they are dark or the backs of folks) but some of them are especially interesting.

Click on A Star for Seminar (Sept. 7) to see one of the pieces auctioned off to raise money for ANG programs.

Click on Selected Winners (also Sept. 7) to see some of the big winners from the exhibit. I suspect--but I don't know for sure--that the geometric design in the center is Jim Wurth's "The Cross of St. Joan" which one the new Jean Hilton award for best use of Hilton-type stitches.
I can't see the other two pieces well enough to identify them sadly.

By the way, the blue ribbon for painted canvas without a stitch guide (professional) *and* the first Nina Goerres ribbon for Christmas projects went to Vicky DeAngelis who stitched Kelly Clark's Twelve Months of Santas. I think these are Vicky's pieces which served as the models for the stitch guides.

Just String has mentioned several classes she took at EGA, plus posted illustrated information about Marion Scoular's lecture. Look for any blog entry with Louisville 2008 in the title.

EGA itself has posted a few photos from their 2008 Seminar on their blog. Click on the titles above the article to move to earlier or later postings.

Everyone comes home from these things exhausted but doesn't it look like fun?

Main blog at


  1. Yes, Jane, your suspicion is correct that the Hilton winner is indeed Jim Wurth's "Cross of St. Joan." You see Jim standing to the left (and the back of my head would have been in the picture if it had been taken a few moments earlier, as I had just been talking to him). Jim was walking about two feet off the ground that night and the next day, as Jean Hilton, who did not do the judging, is his mentor. The small piece matted in brown is a beautiful original by Gail T. Stafford, called "Serpentine Wall at NC Wesleyan College." This one won THREE well-deserved awards, the First-Time Exhibitor's ribbon, a Judge's Choice from Pat Van Cleve, and the State Award! It's amazing in its depth, shading, and choice of stitches. The other piece at the right of the photo is "Butterflies for Callaway," a lovely composition that won the President's Choice Award. These were just three of many truly spectacular and inspiring works presented at this year's Exhibit. ~Belle, whose first-ever Seminar experience exceeded all expectations

  2. Addendum: I just looked at the photo of the final awards presented at the closing banquet, which I did not attend, and I see that "Serpentine Wall" has won yet another ribbon! Unfortunately, I can't tell which one it is. ~Belle

  3. Thank you, Belle. I'm glad I was right and I wish we could all see the other pieces better. Of course they'll be up on the ANG website and hopefully it won't take 10 months like it did last year! Or a year and 10 months for the 2006 material!


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