
Saturday, December 6, 2008

Finishing Gay Ann Rogers' Challenge Ornament

This last year I've been sitting in Gay Ann Rogers' cyber classroom auditing her Mystery in a Corner class through the Shining Needle Society. As part of the class, Gay Ann did a follow up ornament called Challenge, which is much smaller than the original class piece but which allowed folks who learned new things stitching Mystery in a Corner to try them out. I stitched the little ornament, which you see above. I call mine Insanity Improv.

Several folks in the class asking for help in finishing their Challenge ornaments and I'm going to post step by step instructions as I finish my piece here, starting now. But first, here is Gay Ann Rogers' website where you can see completed Mystery in a Corner class pieces in the MIAC slideshows. The Challenge ornaments were a follow-up and "final exam" in this class. None are posted on the website yet, however.

Jane/Chilly Hollow
Main blog at


  1. Jane-

    I don't think it's insane, I think it's lovely. It wouldn't make me nuts except the black canvas part.

    It's just lovely.

    Keep Stitching,

  2. The black canvas part was hard but the counting was very difficult also. Charts and diagrams always flummox me.


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