
Saturday, January 24, 2009

More New Things

Lots of people are posting new items on their websites and blogs. This morning Ruth Schmuff has put up photos of a new stocking that is a pair with her lady almost hidden by wrapped presents. She's right-this is the perfect stocking set for the sophisticated couple in your life.

Ruth is also showcasing her new scissors and laying tool cases.

Barbara Bernstein has finished her needlepoint belt. FAB!

Summer Truswell has finished stitching the new ANG Workshop by Mail piece. It's a Marnie Ritter sampler and beautiful. Summer has links to where to order the design and notes she wrote up as she worked it. The original model is silver, peach and coral, judging from the photo on the ANG website.

Liz Morrow has just finished a turquoise and terracotta version of the fabulous Susan Reed piece Imperial Topaz. The original was pumpkin, copper and royal purple but this one is just as lovely in Southwestern colors.

Finally, Janet Perry has posted a summary of the TNNA market on her website. There are no photos but there are some URLs to use in hunting for photos.

Have fun browsing!

Jane/Chilly Hollow
Main blog at

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