
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Now It's Snowing

I can't wait for spring! I feel much better but today I'm going to be stuck at home during a snowstorm. We have about half an inch now and it is coming down pretty well. 2-6 inches is expected today and tonight but the snow will turn to freezing rain later on.

I am glad to have a nice warm house with plenty of stash! Once I do some clean up this morning, I hope to stitch a little. For now you'll have to entertain yourself with the fun stitching other folks are doing.

First, Judy Harper is stitching tropical fish. This one is obviously a pearl fish. [loud giggles from CH] Seriously, note that Judy stitched around the pearls instead of removing them from the bare canvas and reattaching them later. I never would have thought to do that.

You will see other Squiggee designs in the set she is stitching on Judy's blog but there are more ornaments in the set. The rest are on Squiggee Herself's blog.

Next, let's visit Mary Corbet who is showcasing a goldwork and silk piece a friend of hers took as a class. She points out the interesting piece of gold kid too big for its leaf area and how scrunching it up made the veins. Again, I never would have thought to do that.

For just plain fun, let's visit Jocelyn in NZ where she has finished Twister in chocolate and mint colors. Let's say this all together--I never would have thought of that color combo but it looks great!

Cyn is stitching a little round ornament with an unusual border treatment. I would have done straight stitches curving around the circle's black rim but Pat Thode is much cleverer than me. All together now--"I never would have thought of that!"

Blogs are turning into a great source of ideas for our needlepoint, aren't they? Certainly no matter how creative one is, there is always something interesting to learn from our fellow stitchers.

Now, let's go shovel snow!

Jane/Chilly Hollow
Main blog at


  1. Thanks for the links! I love Judy Harper's statement that " one mustn't just pick threads to match each little segment - they must coordinate and look right as a whole." I totally agree, and that is why I feel the need to pick the threads for the major areas of a canvas at one time.


  2. Judy's right, isn't she? I tend to choose the larger areas first but leave the small ones until later. And that doesn't always work! Some colors get washed out when you stitch with them although they looked fine in a skein with all the other skeins. Weird what color magic does!

  3. These are all fun to read, and I loved! Mary's goldwork photos!


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