
Friday, March 27, 2009

Nifty Tools

Yesterday was pretty blah in CH. The weather was lousy (cool, overcast, damp, dark, etc.) and I worked on the tent stitch background behind the pet guardian angel dog Holi. Nothing worth mentioning.

But there was a surprise in my mailbox! A friend sent me one of the above. It's called a Snag Nab-It and it is intended to grab snagged yarn ends and return them to the back side of that pretty sweater you just knit/bought/wore. I could have used it Monday instead of my crochet hook on my chenille cowl neck sweater with two slight snags on the sleeve.

If you can't tell from the picture, the Snag Nab-It is a long needle (it's about the diameter of a size 18 tapestry needle, but much longer) without an eye on the rear end. Instead, it has grooves to catch a snag and pull it back into place. The person who sent it to me hoped I could use it on the misbehaving tied off ends of my rayon threads on Holi. I certainly will get good use of it there!

Here's an online photo. These things run between $2-$2.50 USD so shop around.

Speaking of unusual tools, how about the bead spinner that Sue Dulle mentioned on her blog? Here it is in action. I want to buy one just to watch it!

Do you use any unusual tools in your needlepoint? Comment below or email me at chilly hollowat hotmail dotcom and I'll report about it for you.

Jane/Chilly Hollow
Main blog at


  1. I LOVE SnagNabIts. I've been using them for years. They are perfect for that snag in your pants that you see AFTER you put them on! You can pull that snag thru without having to get to the back side. Enjoy.

  2. I'll let everyone know how well the Snag Nab-it works on Holi's straying rayon threads later. They must have all heard it arrived here because I haven't had any trouble the last 2-3 nights. LOL

    Good to know it works very well for its intended purpose. Thanks, Liz!

  3. Me too, this is one of my favorite tools...I have two: 1 in stitching bag and one in bathroom.

  4. This is a great tool. I own at least two: one is in my bathroom and the other my small stitch tool bag...may have another in large stitch tool bag too.

  5. Owning at least two of these is a great endorsement, Sue! Thanks.


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