
Thursday, July 16, 2009


Last night I pulled even more shades of brown and tan out of my stash as I'm ready to start on the woodwork of our battered old bar. I choose two perle threads and two cotton flosses for the bookshelf and the shadows underneath the bar. The very dark brown/charcoal thread on the left is Caron's Wildflowers in 063 Black Forest. This is a cotton perle overdyed thread. I've already started basketweaving the shadows under the bar and around the left dog's legs and left mermaid's feet with this. I'm also using it for the edge of the bar, sandwiched between two lighter browns.

The cinnamon brown perle to the right of my Wildflowers is Soy Luster Solids (from The Pure Palette) color #06 Sedona Hills. It is a perle type thread made from soy beans. I'll use that for the wall area between the bookcase and the window that has the various items on it. This part of the bookshelf is in bright light from the window.

The next thread is a medium brown cotton overdyed floss from The Gentle Art's Sampler Threads. It's labeled Simply Shaker so they probably have a special section or limited edition of threads based on colors found in Shaker embroidery. The color is Picnic Basket 7060. And the last thread is Needle Necessities' overdyed cotton floss #125. I will mix shades of brown wood and darker brown shadows for the inside of the bookshelf behind the bottles with these two threads. I choose flosses to mix the color I need since I don't have an exact match in my stash. (Remember Stash Rule#1--no matter how large and varied your stash of supplies, you will never have everything you need. This rule keeps a lot of needlework stores in business!)

I have the floor, the wooden panels under the window and the top of the bar itself to do but I'll worry about them once I get the rest of my wooden bits stitched in.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
Archived Yahoo 360 postings at


  1. It is true that we can never have enough threads in our stash...My LNS, which mainly sells cross-stitch, is having a sale that I have decided to attend so I can do some stash enhancement. Hey, my birthday is coming up!

  2. A sale at your birthday!?!!! Lucky Beth!

    Have fun shopping for all of us and report back. We are dying to know what you buy!

  3. You do have a lot of different threads. I am SO jealous. Can you feel the waves of my jealousy all the way over there?

    yes, I am moved and back on line, surrounded by a mountain of boxes, rolled up rugs, misplaced furniture etc...but I am on-line!

  4. Hope the move went well, Marianne.

    Yes, threadaholics always have threads. But don't forget the first rule of needlework--no matter how many threads you have in your stash, you'll ALWAYS have to buy more for your next project. This rule keeps dozens of needlework shops in business!

    For this project I bought around 10 skeins of brown, tan, golden brown, light brown, dark brown and reddish brown threads.


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