
Friday, August 14, 2009

Plastic Surgery

The blonde mermaid has a new nose and the little one has boobs (she is supposed to have her back turned but it doesn't look like it to me so I made a "front"). The sailor has clothes and a hat. Now let's see how it all looks in the photo. I wasn't sure last night....

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
Archived Yahoo 360 postings at


  1. Jane said the b _ _ b word in her blog. Yea! now I can say boobs in my blog too. This is great!


  2. Well, what is appropriate to say and what isn't is always a tricky question. None of us want to offend anyone and none of us want to be too prissy, either. Every blogger has to decide what is appropriate and what is not for themselves.

    It's not an easy question.

  3. HA! you said it first so now it is OK HA!

    (how's that for mature?)

  4. I am no authority on language, on what is appropriate or what is acceptable to other stitchers. These are issues each blogger has to decide for themselves.

  5. And as for maturity, I think you and I are the kids who sit giggling in the back row of the class. LOL

  6. I think you did a great job with the knife on the nose job! An alternate career? I also think the white uniform is brightening it up!

  7. Yes, the white sailor uniform does brighten the design now that it is stitched. Glad you like the nose but I've taken it already and given her a button nose now.

    Oh, well, I'm not a real plastic surgeon after all.


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