
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Two Dogs

They may be missing eyes, noses or the little shading details I have yet to stitch, but we have two dogs mostly stitched now!

Note that the small dog in the background has two long stitches over his tent stitched ear to give him a little dimension, just not much. He is in the background, after all!

This weekend I will add the details that I need some time when I'm not tired to stitch. Until then, I am testing stitches for the mermaids't tails. This is what I've come up with so far, done in four plies of a special edition Gloriana 8 ply silk. The stitch is called Helen's Lace (page 31 of Julia Snyder's Backgrounds & Such). I hope that I can do the same stitch over fewer boxes on the background mermaid's tail. Since there are two of them, one in the foreground and one in the background, I need a stitch that will work both places. I'm beginning to think my thread is too bright, though.

Stay tuned to see if this works....

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
Archived Yahoo 360 postings at


  1. For a second there I thought this was going to be - two dogs walk into a bar...

  2. LOL

    Ok, someone make up a joke about two dogs (or two mermaids) who walk into a bar. If you can work needlework into the joke, I'll send someone a prize!

  3. On my monitor the thread looks a little too green. More like seaweed. I do like the stitch though.

    Two dogs walk into the bar and start talking to the two beautiful mermaids already sitting there. One mermaid says "are you trying to pick us up?"
    Van Gogh says "No, we're just needling you."

  4. By the way, Nancy, the Gloriana silk is dark green, yellow green and blue. I think the shades of dark green work. After all, the mermaid tails are painted forest green.

  5. To me the mermaids look far more blue than green. But then that's just to me. So as long as you like the thread and think it works, go for it. It was more the yellow green that wasn't doing it for me.

  6. In real life, the mermaid tails are darkest forest green with silvery green crescents on top to show the scales. My silk is a similar dark forest green but it shades into blue as it is a Gloriana overdye.

  7. The dogs look great-and will be better with the eyes! I like the Gloriana silk colors as they should almost iridesce?? is that a word?

  8. It is a gorgeous silk. I know what you mean. Irridescence? Something like that!

    Jane, not the best speller in CH

  9. The bare backs, with their lovely spines, are going to lighten that dark bar up considerably. The fish tails absolutely must glisten . After all a girl has to dress for the occasion.

    Sure wish I knew a joke about dogs and bars but can't think of any. I wonder if I have ever heard one?

  10. Margaret, using Google to find jokes is allowed as long as they are about a dog or mermaid in a bar....


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