
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

O'jishi, The Noh Theatre Lion

Here is O'jishi, the stylized lion mask used in traditional Japanese theatre.  Although I do a lot of Asian themed canvases, he is totally different than anything I've ever stitched.  Very few canvases convey fierceness and drama the way O'jishi does!

Here is a close-up.  I'm sorry I can't get all of him on the scanner bed for a good image of all of him but you can always search Blog using "O'jishi" to find all my blog entries about and photos of this design.

You might enjoy looking at all the Noh Theatre masks in this series. O'jishi is my favorite but there are seven others.

Many thanks to Leigh Richardson for allowing me to stitch O'jishi for you.  In a few weeks the stitch guide will be ready for purchase and I'll tell you more about that when it is.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
Archived Yahoo 360 postings at


  1. It is absolutely beautiful and the border is just perfect. I love the line of color at the edge.

  2. Thanks, Liz. The line of red was an idea that came from the Comments. Lots of people helped me come up with the border, but Robin King was the main one.

  3. Wonderful! I am sure Leigh will love this!

  4. Lovely, as usual. Can't wait to see what's next!

  5. What a wonderful implementation of the Leigh design! I've learned so many things as you've stitched this piece. Thanks for letting us follow along as you work through your stitch and thread selections. O'jishi is both fierce and majesterial.

  6. That is really, really beautiful. I love watching your stitching unfold using all the beautiful fibers and stitches. Sometimes, I think I should just pack up my needlepoint supplies and stand on the sidelines and watch the experts!
    By the way, I love the surfing Santa (from a person who grew up on the coast and now lives in a cold snowy climate). I am eager to watch that design being stitched.

  7. Dear Jane,
    I came across your site courtesy of Janet Perry just as you were starting O'Jishi, and I have followed every stitch. It's stunning, but as impressive as the needlework is, so is the commentary. I have learned more from your blog than I have ever learned anywhere else. Thank you so much for your generous sharing of tips, time and affection. Happy New Year! I can hardly wait to see what you start next. Robin in Indiana.

  8. What a triumph!!! When I first saw that design my thought was 'no way". O'jishi (and Leigh Designs) were mighty lucky that you took him on. Gorgeous!!!


    Thanks, Jane, for sharing the fearsome O'jishi's journey with your readers.

    Happy New Year!

  10. What a wonderful adventure you have taken us on. Beautiful stitching!

  11. I want to thank everyone for the nice compliments on O'jishi they have posted. It is enough to make me blush! Especially since Blog is here to show you how easy painted canvases are! If I can do it, heck, any of YOU can!

    After all, you guys all helped with ideas and opinions on the border I wanted to add. The only difference between my stitching and anyone else's is that I pay attention to what other stitchers do and I am fearless about my stitching. I'll try anything!


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