
Friday, December 11, 2009

Old Gold Coins Stitch

I've chosen a smaller scale, round stitch for the area above O'jishi's forehead and to the sides of his face.  It is called "Horizontal and Vertical Lanterns" and is found diagrammed on page 107 of Brenda Hart's Stitches for the Millennium.

I think of it as Old Gold Coins stitch.  If you look at the photo above and the diagram below, you'll see why.

Although this seems to be pairs of horizontal and vertical oriented stitches, it actually isn't.  What you have are four separate stitches.  Each row uses two of the stitches, then the next row uses the other two.  These rows alternate.

We'll call the dark green stitch group in the top row Stitch A.   It is oriented vertically and is made up of 5 straight lines.  The first is over 3 threads, then the next three each are over 5 threads, and the last stitch is over 3 threads again.
3V 5V 5V 5V 3V

Stitch B is the pink group in the top row.  It is orientally horizontally.  It has one line over 4 threads, then two lines over 6 threads, then reverts to the over 4 threads line.
4H 6H 6H 4H

The third stitch (Stitch C) is the pale green one in the second row.  It is made up of five horizontal lines, the first over 4 threads, the next three over 6 threads, and the last over 4 threads again.
4H 6H 6H 6H 4V

The final stitch (Stitch D) uses overdyed peach thread.  It is in the second row from the top alternating with the Stitch C page green stitches in the example above.  It is identical to Stitch C except it is oriented vertically.  Over 4 threads, over 6 threads three times, then over four threads, in other words.
4V 6V 6V 6V 4V

The rows alternate:  Stitches A and B make up a row, then stitches C and D alternate in a row.  Repeat endlessly.  Note that you don't have to start with the Stitches A and B row.  I think I started with C and D, actually.  You can work the rows vertically, also.  If you do that, then Stitches B and D alternate in a row.  The next row worked vertically alternates Stitches A and C.

Once you realize each stitch group is different but that the rows alternate, it is easy to keep up with where you are in the stitch sequence.  But you do have to pay attention.

Before I forget, the Canvas of the Day today is actually a free chart from the new British needlepoint designer Felicity Hall.  It's a lovely Christmas bird and snowflake.  Clicking on the picture takes you to the free design but since the Canvas of the Day will disappear tomorrow, here it is for folks who missed the link.,%20free%20needlepoint%20projects,%20small%20free%20needlepoint%20ideas,%20needlepoint%20kit%20projects

or Tiny URL

You'll enjoy a browse through the graphic designs Felicity Hall prefers.  Don't miss the Felicity Hall Likes page, which directs us to all sorts of needlepoint from around the World Wide Web.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
Archived Yahoo 360 postings at


  1. This is a great stitch to go with his design! And the goodies....ooohhhh laaaa laaaa!

  2. Did you use two different threads for the stitch? Or is it just the light play that is making the horizontal ones look different than the vertical ones?

  3. Is there any way to retreive past canvas of the day -- I love the shopping one, but I forgot to save it. Thanks,

  4. No, Ellice, when the Canvas of the Day is gone, it is gone. I think that is the small version of a Ruth Schmuff canvas, however, if it is the ladies holding wrapped presents.

    See if you can find the canvas here.

    Good luck! I'm sorry but those are just for one day.

  5. MNStitcher, that is the light play on the silk. However, this is an overdyed silk so the color does change some due to that and also the painted canvas underneath is changing. So some of the color is due to those factors but the bulk of it is the change of direction and how the light makes the silk look.


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