
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Counting Threads (Or Holes?) With Tony

I mentioned a day or two back that I have several small painted canvas projects I plan to work over the next several months before I tackle another large project and that I also want to work another charted piece.  I've always wanted to work Tony Minieri's "Stars for the New Millennium" and actually started the framework for the star quilt blocks 4-5 years ago, but put it down and never picked it back up again.  So that is what I plan to work on between painted canvases.

Before I show you links to the design, I should mention I got a nice note with tips on stitching counted thread designs from Gini this week which she's allowed me to post here.  She wrote:

"You mentioned that you have a tendency to come up short by one when you count holes. Here's how to prevent that. The first hole is 0, not 1. In effect that means you're counting threads, but I find that it's easier to count because your needle just naturally wants to count the holes as it slips off the thread and into the hole. Put your needle into the hole where you want to start counting. That's 0. Then begin counting with the next hole as 1. You'll come out correctly because each time you increment the number, you've moved over a single thread.

Now, just to confuse things, if you're working from a cross stitch chart, each square represents 2 threads each way... But I begin counting (hole 0) just above and to the left of where a vertical ground thread is on the top of the intersection and count each second hole.

Hope those tips help."

I am sure they will!  Thank you, Gini.  I'll see how this works as I get into Stars.  For those who aren't familiar with this design, the 96 page booklet has alternate colorways listed that Tony's students tried as he taught this at The Edwardian Needle.  Here is his original model, done in greens, purples, and ivory with a touch of yellow.  I've seen several colorways in person but this one is magnificent and my favorite! The photos of the booklet cover don't do it justice.

Here are several other color schemes.  I believe all are from the lists in his chart book.  They are lovely, aren't they?

Locally the Scarlet Thread stitching group is working on this project.  Sara Leigh is blogging about their progress, starting approximately January 11th.  Good luck, everyone!  I'm sure you'll move faster than I will since it won't be my only project.

I'll talk about my Stars color scheme once I've introduced my SharonG camo lingerie set and started working on it.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
Archived Yahoo 360 postings at


  1. You can do this! I will stand on the sidelines and do the cheerleading! Go, Jane, Go!

  2. Happy to hear you are going to be stitching Stars "along" with the Scarlet Thread group. I've chosen a custom colorway and you'll see me dyeing threads for mine in February. I'll be moving slowly also as this won't be my only project either.

  3. I have found the confusion with counting threads or holes for most of my stitching friends comes from whether they started as a cross-stitcher or a needlepointer. Those of us that learned to cross-stitch first and did that for years, all count holes.

    When you get into a class and a teacher is specific as to how you should count, it gets more confusing. I like a teacher who doesn't tell you how to count, but just tells you to pick your way of counting and be consistent. I count like Gini does, using holes, but would always forget if I had counted the first hole. Her idea that the first hole is Zero is a gem and will now make it easy for me to remember. Thanks Gini.

  4. I picked my own colors, too, Donna. I'm going to post the errata list in a day or two, If you want, I'll email that to you also to print out and take to class. Just send me your email address to chilly hollow at hot mail dotcom.

  5. Thanks, Pat. If I work a little at a time, I can handle it. I hope!


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