
Monday, January 18, 2010

The Kimberly Tool Case Is Finished

The Kimberly tool case is done!

I sewed my lining first, making a finished edge first, then folding it up and stitching the central vertical line, then all the pocket lines and finally the edges.  The sewing was easier, even through two layers of Ultrasuede, than I expected but I did take the precaution of clamping my piece together with banker's clips instead of pinning as I was afraid I'd make pin holes that would not come out. Anyone with more experience sewing on Ultrasuede than me may have suggestions in the Comments.

Then I carefully hand stitched the lining to the case.  That took hours because the sewing thread would catch on the bead edging so I had to work slower than usual--and I am not the world's fastest hand sewer at the best of times.

It looks great, though.  Here is the inside.  You'll notice I put all sorts of tools inside, not just scissors and laying tools.  I think this will be a traveling tool case and we need to take many stitching tools with us when we go places.

By the way, I asked Kimberly if the bead set is still available for this counted thread piece.  She says no, but now most folks can buy 14/0, 11/0 and triangular beads and choose their own colors.

Thank you, Kimberly, for permission to blog stitch this piece and post photographs!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
Archived Yahoo 360 postings at


  1. This is just beautiful, Jane. You did such a nice job finishing and your stitching is perfect!

    P.S. Love your Brown, Bush, Cheney ad... I'm in MA and am heading out tomorrow to vote for Coakley!

  2. This turned out really nice! Good job! I really like your subtle color palette. Beautiful finishing job!

  3. Marilyn, San FranciscoMonday, January 18, 2010

    The finished result is exquisite. Your work is beautiful and you have done an excellent job of finishing this interesting piece. I particularly like your choice of colours and this contributes to the elegance of the case. Congratulations.

    Everyday I look forward to your blog. It inspires me as it includes so much useful information. Thank you so much; I know how much time it takes to write everyday. Happy stitching!

  4. Marilyn, thank you. I appreciate your taking the time to write me such a lovely note. Blog doesn't seem like a chore to me; after all, there are such nice folks who read it each day!

  5. Thanks, Liz. I wish my finishing was better but it looks pretty good. I just know a professional would have done a better job.

  6. Hello, Sky. Thanks for the nice comment. The ads are Google's choice. Doesn't matter I told Google Ads to use NP ads--there aren't enough of those for them to stick just to those. Let me go look....

    Blog is almost 4 years old and the ads have been up for almost half that time. I have made almost $58 from them. Google will send me a check once earnings reach $100 so maybe in another two years....

    Do vote tomorrow. It's important, no matter who your choice is.

  7. Jane, I just love this piece. Your color choice is so nice, and from one who doesn't do this kind of finishing, it looks very well done.

  8. Your finishing is great..I think you are too hard on yourself!

  9. Thank you, Pat. I always see what I could have done better when it comes to finishing. I know enough to be critical but not enough about machine sewing to know how to avoid problems.


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