
Saturday, March 6, 2010

Update from Other Stars and Kirk & Hamilton Stitchers

Other folks are blog-stitching Tony Minieri's Stars or a Kirk & Hamilton piece and I wanted you to know they've posted updates on their work on the Internet.

First, Donna is reporting about the Stars experience she is having.  Right now she is still settling on colors but I think she's on the right track.

Donna also found out whose Stars piece she admired at the Woodlawn Plantation exhibit last year.  Small world!

Sara Leigh, who belongs to the same stitching group as Donna, has her colors chosen.  They are cheerful and give me hope spring is on the way.  (Maybe.)

Robin King is stitching a small Kirk & Hamilton cat design.  You can watch her progress stitching the cat and its pumpkin balloon on the Needlepoint Study Hall blog.

Anyone else?

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
Archived Yahoo 360 postings at


  1. Jane,
    I fell hard for Elmer the day you introduced him and on Monday I called the shop and ordered him. I haven't heard back yet, but I'm awaiting his arrival with keen impatience so I can start. I love how he's turning out. Best wishes, Robin

  2. Robin, Elmer is a cute one, isn't he? LOL

    Did you get the stocking or the round ornament with just his head?

    I'm thrilled you love him as much as I do!

  3. I got the stocking. Although I'm currently working on a big stocking for my DH, I really prefer the little guys. Easier to finish, and they make great ornaments and gifts. And with today's trend to not cover an entire canvas, or to cover, say, the background only partially, I'm facing the possibility of actually finishing things :) Indiana Robin

  4. Hurrah for Robin in Indiana! I am so glad you have an "Elmer" of your own now!

    The big stockings are heirlooms but the little ones are just so much faster, whether you do full coverage or not.

    Send us a photo when your candy cane dog is finished so we can drool, ok? chillyhollow at hot maildotcom


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