
Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Bit More from TNNA

I have a few more postings from here and there about the Columbus, Ohio trade show.  The DMC blog has two new postings. The first is all about their tapestry wool.  This is a thread not easily available to me so I was eager to see needlepoint stitched with it. 

The second posting is about trends they noticed at the show.

The trend I'm picking up on is needlepoint purses myself.  Margaret's report from TNNA today shows what leather goods, including purses, are available from Stirling.  I just love the new purse shape!  The bronze and pewter colors don't do much for me but they are neutrals, so you can use any stitched canvas with these colors and they will harmonize.

But adding stitching to a purse isn't the only purse trend I've noticed.  Pocket Full of Stitches has just posted a blog entry about all the various stitching purses they carry for carrying your stitching projects and tools.   I don't know it any of these are new bags, but I thought you'd like to see the huge range of totes available from just one shop.

Do you love charted pieces, laying tools or threads?  You'll be interested in what Scarlet Thread picked out at market.

Before I forget, remember how I covered the SharonG camo bra and tap pants set all in beads?  I just discovered that one of Pocket Full of Stitches' customers has done a SharonG wine glass canvas in all beads. I think even the wine cork is covered in beads!  You can see it here in PFOS' customer profile.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow Blogging at Archived Yahoo 360 postings at

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