
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Last of the New from Columbus? UPDATED

By now the Columbus trade show is over and folks are dragging themselves home, tired but happy.  Robin from Amy Bunger's shop sums the show up perfectly with her posting about the new designer she discovered, new threads, and hints about her next class for TNNA.

As Robin mentioned above, the Columbus Heart (Needle Deeva) class she taught went very well.  Here's a review from Michele of Bristly Thistle.

UPDATE:  And one from Colleen of Needle Works.

Speaking of Michele, she posted photos of the newest Charley Harper animal canvases which were just released.  Here they are for your viewing pleasure:

Speaking of animals, here is Gail Hendrix's newest alligator.  I never knew reptiles with teeth and claws could be so cuddly!

Are you curious about what stitchers are doing with DMC's new memory thread?   DMC reports their booth was full of pieces done with memory thread.  You can admire the creativity at work through the many photos posted on DMC's blog.

Here is Barbara Bergsten's TNNA booth.  Wish I was there!

Barbara is interviewed on the TNNA site.   It's great to learn a bit about the personalities behind the designs, especially when you like the designs as much as I like Barbara's.

Finally, Janet Perry has written a multi-part round up of the show.  Here are the links.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow Blogging at Archived Yahoo 360 postings at


  1. Velma is amazing! Are you going to stitch one of the Floozies??

  2. Pat, I probably won't stitch one of the Floozies. Beth from ThreadworX is doing the entire series so of course Leigh doesn't need any of them stitched. No way could I top Beth anyway! Here is what she's done so far. I think Charlotte is next, but I'm not sure. These are done with ThreadworX line of threads, of course.

  3. I was glad to see the mermaid enlarged. It really shows off her sparkles. What a sweetie!

  4. did i miss a posting? what has happened to your warm colored blog? your commentary is now on the left instead of the right and it is white and sterile and i cannot find the search box and so on...there is a tab for stitch guides which is interesting. i loved your blog - is this new and you announced it and i missed it? my bad. i'm sorry but can you fill us in?

  5. Thanks for all of your kind words, Jane. Peggy & I were glad to report from the Market. Love your new blog look. Very nice. Glad to be back home. Thanks, Robin

  6. Thanks for the compliment on Blog's new look. I like to change things occasionally. I get bored by the same old thing!

    Glad you and Peggy reported. All the shop reports are wonderful and so much fun for us stay-at-home types!

  7. Monica, I change the look of Blog periodically. I get bored looking at the same old thing, so I change the look. I just used a new template and colors when I switched the header photo so that things look ok together. Everything is here, just in a new place. I'm constantly looking for a more professional yet easy to read look. Sorry to yank the sofa out from underneath you while redecorating!

  8. Glad you like the mermaid. I am actually trying for a better cropped view but Blogger won't let me upload that image. Bad Blogger!


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