
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Leaf For Cha

A Leaf Stitch for Cha?
I've been busy working on the fruit on this canvas, but last night I did a bit more background and tried out a stitch I like on a leaf.  I choose the broad leaf next to the full flower so you could see the flower stitch, the wide diamonds background, and the leaf stitch all together.

The stitch on the leaf is called Large Ribbons.  I found it in Brenda Hart's Favorite Stitches, page 62.  I used an overdyed cotton floss from Needle Necessities, just one ply, on the leaf.  I'm trying to make the leaves a bit less prominent than the flower which is stitched with two plies.  The flower should be more prominent, after all.  I think I should work more background so that I have it next to the leaf I just stitched.   I'll try out my thread ideas for the leaf and work a bit more background for tomorrow.  And of course I am working away on the fruit which you haven't seen yet.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow Blogging at Archived Yahoo 360 postings at


  1. Looks good, and the stitch defines the leaf yet lets the flower dominate. Looking good and bring on the fruit!

  2. Hungry, Pat? LOL

    The fruit may not be ready tomorrow. We'll see.

  3. No, not really, but I am looking forward to seeing how you work it!

  4. Can I ask a dumb question, please...
    Is the leaf the same stitch as the flower or not? I can't trace where you said what stitch the flower is. Is it just the different orientations of the petals that are confusing me?
    Glenis (NP-ignoramus!)

  5. Glenis, the photos are not good enough quality for you to tell for sure but the flower stitch is very very similar to the leaf stitch. Not identical, just very much like. Ribbon stitch has a longer middle, that's all. That eliminates the empty spaces between the stitch I used on the flower so the leaf won't have the metallic sparkle the flower does. Which is appropriate. Generally a leaf is less prominent in a design than a flower is. When I get around to it, I'll post a diagram of both stitches so you can tell just where they differ.


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