
Monday, July 12, 2010

Embellishing a Parrot Head

Embellishing the Parrot Head

Today's progress report shows the parrot head all decorated up!

This was really much easier than I expected.  I simply referred to my sketch plan to carefully continue the two stitches used on the body of the bird.  It is hard to do a straight line on top of a smooth fabric but I went slowly and carefully and did pull out lines that were too crooked.  Since I was using a small sharp beading needle and one ply of silk, I could remove stitches easily without leaving holes one could see in the Ultrasuede.

If you look carefully at the photo, you'll see that the embroidery on top of the parrot's head is done in two colors of silk--hot pink for the 3/4 wide diamond stitches and the diamond ray stitches inside the first stitch, then dark grape for the diamond ray stitches alone between motifs.

I discovered scattered hot pink stitches looked too busy but when I pulled them out, I felt something needed to be in the empty spaces.  So I used thread almost the same color as the Ultrasuede to stitch the single diamond rays.  This gave me texture where I wanted it but didn't make the stitching too busy.

You can also add texture by scattering tiny French knots or beads, but I wanted something even simpler and subtler.

For those who wondered, yes, I also did more tent stitching in the background last night.  I am trying to surround the wings at least as I am going to start on the feathery parts and I don't want to disturb the stitching along the wings with tent stitching.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow Blogging at Archived Yahoo 360 postings at


  1. Very nice! I love the orange Hibiscus too!

  2. This looks wonderful! A perfect addition to the canvas. And I must say that I also like the tent stitches in the background much better than the original ones, I'm glad you changed.

  3. WOW-OW-OW-OW!!!!

    Jane, when you do your Stitch Guide will it suggest an alternative to the Ultrasuede for the faint-hearted, or take the "if I can do it, anyone can" view? :-)

  4. Beautiful, Jane! I particularly like the scalloped edge at the base of the parrot's head. I think the amount of embroidery on the head is just right.

  5. Thank you for the nice compliments, ladies. Glenis, my stitch guide will have an alternate to the Ultrasuede parrot head. Not everyone will want to try this technique or be able to find a good color of Ultrasuede. I'll mention this more tomorrow. I forgot to in this morning's posting.


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