
Friday, July 16, 2010

Where to Start and Monthly Clubs

As promised I am working more tent stitched background on Cha. Pretty boring for you but luckily I'm not the only NP blogger in existence.  Anne of ABS Designs has created one of her door canvases for a shop owner and is explaining on her blog just where to start stitching a painted canvas with it as an example.  The story starts with her July 12 entry.  Start there and follow Anne's stitching adventure forward in time as she takes "little bites" out of her canvas.

Are you a fan of Needle Works in Austin?  You'll love seeing photos of the new shop and their redesigned website.  The shop photos are in a photo album at the first link.  The new website is the second link.  It's not all finished yet but the online shop is the same and open for business.  Have fun!  Take special note of the Kelly Clark trunk show that is just starting with 20% off prices and look at the Pose Purses tiny photo on the website home page.  That's the new monthly club.

Speaking of monthly clubs and redesigned websites, I have a whole slew of new things for you to explore.  The French Knot in Texas has redesigned their website.  Monthly club fans will want to explore all the clubs they offer for 2010 and take a look back at older clubs since French Knot has been offering them for more than three years.  You can find the clubs by choosing Gallery: Current Series from the drop down menus.

Want to do something abstract and different for your monthly club?  How about the French Fleur de Lis club at The Elegant Needle?

2 the Point is doing a candy cane series that will make for quick and easy designs for Christmas ornaments and...

...they are doing a seasonal bird series.

Finally, this week I've posted photos of flowers and plants from my yard. I get tired of looking at the more usual pastel portrait of me and thought I'd do something a bit more interesting that would allow me to explore how to do better photos in the right hand column.  My experiment will end today with a photo of my potted hostas and I'll return to the more usual portrait tomorrow.  Hope you enjoyed the pretty flowers!

Now I'm back to doing more tent stitches.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow Blogging at Archived Yahoo 360 postings at

1 comment:

  1. There's never a shortage of clubs and canvases to keep us stitchers busy! I have enjoyed your photos of the plants and flowers in your yard this week. The heat and lack of rain here in Georgia and some nasty leaf-eating insect have taken their toll on my garden in the last two weeks. This time of year everything begins to look tired in the garden so I have enjoyed a peek at your flowers. Thanks!


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