
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Luna: Choosing a Background

Leigh Designs' Ladies of the Night:  Luna
I've posted a photo of Luna again so we can look at the background.  I've already written that I decided to do some stitches around her feet and around the tombstones that looked like paving stones to "ground" the design somewhat.  But I don't have to do that.  The design itself reads that area as ground.  Our brains look at the sprigs of grass and her feet and think "ground."

I could do a background stitch.  But what stitch?  Do I want to cover up the gray splotches that remind me of fog?

I've seen a great many terrific Halloween themed backgrounds recently.  Stitch Niche's e-newsletter for August has a great photo of a witch in a fancy hat with a skull patterned background.

Here is the same piece framed from their September newsletter--in a frame with skulls!  How great is that?!

In the October Amy Bunger newsletter, Robin King shares a graphed version of the words Eek and Boo which she has used for backgrounds.  They would also make a great border.  While you are there, check out the background behind the werewolf from the Kelly Clark Halloweenies series Amy is stitching.

All these are terrific background ideas.  But are they right for Luna?   I just can't see her walking among floating skulls or words or even big Xs.  These things are not right for a more realistic canvas.  There isn't that much room on a tall, narrow canvas that has tree limbs in the background anyway.  I'd be compensating constantly, trying to squeeze in full skulls or Xs or words.   I don't even think a border of such things would look good.  They'd detract from the solitary figure.  So Luna gets boring flagstones.

The moral is don't fall in love with an idea.  Go with what is right for your canvas, not what is a clever idea.  I have a hard time with that lesson.

By the way, yesterday's Canvas of the Day is by Needle Deeva.  Thanks, Vicky!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow Blogging at Archived Yahoo 360 postings at


  1. The skull background on that canvas is tremendous. The skull frame - who knew they even made such molding???

  2. Not sure what stitch to use but I think she needs a thread and stitch that reminds one of fog--spooky fog. She's much too sophisticated for skulls and such. It's also a rather busy canvas. I wouldn't want to take interest away from the good parts. Just rambling. Pamela, Tucson

  3. I think that the flagstones are all that you are going to need with everything else you will have going on....chopping on popcorn and cheering from the sidelines!


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