
Thursday, November 11, 2010

And the Winner Is....

Sudu is the winner of the random drawing for my extra copy of Stitches for the Millennium by Brenda Hart.  Congratulations!

Twenty people commented last Sunday when I announced that I was giving this book away to celebrate having 100 people "following" Blog.  I fired up and ask it to give me a number between 1 and 20.  Ten came up.  That must be your lucky number, Sue, as you were the 10th person on my list of those followers who entered.

Email me your mailing address (I'm at chilly hollow athot mail dotcom) and I'll pop this in the mail, probably on Friday.

Many thanks to everyone who entered.  You don't know how much knowing you are out there somewhere and reading Blog fuels my stitching and posting!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow Blogging at Archived Yahoo 360 postings at

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