
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wednesday is Laura J. Perin Day

I have very good news for fans of Laura Perin's charts--she has the latest seasonal long panel design finished and also has an oldie but goodie chart still available.   First up, Sara Leigh has photos of the finished Long Autumn panel on her shop website. It's a gorgeous mix of purples and oranges, tempered with ecru and perhaps a touch of blue.

Laura herself shows off an old design on her personal blog.  It's not one I'd seen before as it is not on her website.  It is subtle colors with black for emphasis and done all in tent stitches.  Perfect for those long winter evenings in front of the fire (or TV).

For folks who haven't visited Laura's website before, here it is.  There are free charts, along with lots of lots of stitching goodness.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow Blogging at Archived Yahoo 360 postings at

1 comment:

  1. I'm a huge fan of Laura and have been stitching her designs for many years!


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