
Friday, January 21, 2011

Almost Done With Gregory

As you can see, the Gregory Peck block is almost done.  Though I struggled with the star and the flanking lozenges, once I got through them the rest went very quickly.  I still have to couch down the long threads in the corners.  Tony tells his students to couch a line at a time but I'm going to try laying all the underlying threads and then doing the couching pattern as I know juggling two needles and threads is going to make my thread tension uneven.

I plan to couch down the corners with copper, then I will add beads (black?) down the middle of the black star arms to hide the gaps where the canvas shows through.  After that, I'll need to stitch the two pieces of sashing that are to the right and bottom of the square.  Wish me luck!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow Blogging at Archived Yahoo 360 postings at


  1. Gregory Peck is quite a handsome square. Great job! Who is our next Star/Starlet?

  2. Robin, the next block on Stars is Ava Gardner. I just looked at the book and she looks like a snowflake! You can get an idea of all the blocks by looking at Tony's model over in the right hand column. Ava is the last block on the right in the third row from the top.

  3. I am so glad that your struggles came to an end with this Star. It looks great!

  4. Nice work! And the beads will be ooohhh la la!


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