
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Jelly Beans and Men at Work UPDATED

Jelly Bean Stock's Delightful Devil
Ridgewood Needlepoint has a little more TNNA to share with us:  photos of Dale (DJ Designs) and Raymond (Raymond Crawford) chatting when the mad rush of the trade show is over.  I love seeing our favorite designers in person!

My spies have alerted me to a new NP company that was at the trade show--Jelly Bean Stock.  Here is their website.  You'll love the old fashioned movie poster-like Halloween designs, the devil masks among the Venetian Masks (see above photo), and the peacocks and the Let It Snow sign in chilly blues and icy whites.  They have some other nice things, too, but those are the ones that caught my eye.  What's your favorite? Is it like the flavors of jelly beans, you have too many favorites to decide on just one?

Thanks for the tip, Pat, and the extra photos, Elaine!

UPDATE:  Pat came through again with the Jelly Bean Stock artist's blog which has many nice photos of the original art designed for NP canvas.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow Blogging at Archived Yahoo 360 postings at

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