
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Woodlawn Exhibit Opens

The 2011 Woodlawn Plantation Exhibit opens today, March 2nd.  It runs through the end of March with the exception of Tuesdays.

Woodlawn is NOT open on Tuesdays so don't go there then hoping to see the needlework exhibit.

Last year Woodlawn put photos of the award winners in an online photo album.  I don't know if this will happen again this year but here is the link to last year's pieces in case you missed them.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow Blogging at and at


  1. I just called Woodlawn to see if my entries won any ribbons, and I'm excited to say they all did! I won a first place on my stumpwork, and also a third place and an Honorable mention (both of those pieces were entered in surface embroidery, so they didn't know which was which).

    The woman I talked to said they plan to put pictures up on Flickr again this year, but didn't know when that would happen. I presume when it does, the news and link will make the rounds...

    I would love to actually see the exhibit in person sometime, but the pictures were great last year! If you get the chance to go, GO! there is some fabulous needlework there.

    Jane, will you be doing your annual review this year?

    Carol S.

  2. Congratulations, Carol! I hope to go to Woodlawn sometime in March but I don't know when. Naturally Tuesdays are the best day for me and they are closed then this year. If I get to go I'll write a report but I don't know when I'll publish it as I will be gone a good chunk of March. But we'll all figure out the photos and tell each other when they show up. I can't wait to see your pieces!

  3. Jane, do you know if there is a list of who won ribbons online? I saw one floating around last year. Thanks!

  4. Whitney, I understand that there will be a Flickr album again this year but no one knows when it will be ready. I haven't found it myself but I do an occasional Flickr search. However, the show just opened. I think last year it wasn't up and running until the show was almost half over.


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