
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Bermuda Bags UPDATED

Whitney just posed an interesting question in the comments section.  She asked me where to find Bermuda bags.  Here is what I replied, in case you too want one of the bags that were the rage in the late 1960s.

Whitney, you mean the oval canvases that button onto the bag? Like these?

NP in Paradise has examples of finished Bermuda bags on their website, so they might be able to help.

I also found kits for sale at Busy Needle in Tuscon.

Sudberry House used to have a kit that included the wooden handles, a template for your canvas (the trend was to monogram your canvas then) and instructions for assembly. I don't see it on their website now, but you might find an old kit on eBay.

There are several sellers who offer already made Bermuda bags on but these are all fabric, not needlepoint. You might be able to get an Etsy seller to furnish a template and then finish a NP version once you get it stitched, though.

What is the saying?  "Everything old is new again"?  Perhaps Whitney is the start of a building wave of interest in the Bermuda bag.

UPDATE:  Robin King certainly thinks Bermuda bags are on the rise again.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow Blogging at and at


  1. Dear Jane,
    I just wanted to say how much I enjoy seeing the peacock, currently the header of your blog, coming up each morning. Especially the um, thing on his/her head with all the beautifully coloured French knots! :-)

  2. Thank you, e-Rose. Those French knots are one ply of silk in one wrap French knots. Not as much of a challenge is one ply silk bullions on his forehead but still they were tough.

    Wonder what that topknot is called?

  3. Jane, thank you SO much for your help!!! I love your blog and so appreciate everything you post.

  4. No, thank you, Whitney. It was a fun question and one that I wanted to highlight instead of leaving it in the Comments. A lot of folks never check the comments and I didn't want them to miss out on what you said.


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