
Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Devil Doesn't Glow in the Dark

With Halloween ornaments so popular these days, thread companies have created threads that glow in the dark.  Rainbow Gallery just came out with a Neon Rays Plus in a glow in the dark thread, in fact.  But how well do they work? What do they look like and where can you get glow in the dark threads?  Don't look at me.  Despite my huge stash of threads, I only have one that glows in the dark and I can't find it right now.  However, Robin King is ready and able to step up and share her experience with these threads.

We can now glow with confidence!  Unless we are a devil ornament, of course.  LOL

Thanks, Robin.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at


  1. Thank you, Jane. It was fun being the glow-in-the-dark thread enabler. After all, I've learned from the best! Hugs, Robin

  2. Did Robin just call me an enabler? LOL

    Of course she also called me one of the best, so I'll let it slide.

    Jane, chuckling in CH

  3. (psst... Jane... I'm sending you a card of the Neon Rays Plus NP300. It is addressed to your P.O. Box and will go out in tomorrow's mail. Thanks, Robin)

  4. Have I mentioned I love you lately, Robin?

    Jane, standing by the post office box in CH (thank you!)

  5. Wonderful creation. Sounds like some thing horrible in dark. LOL....


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