
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Miko's Hair

This morning's header photo change shows Miko's hair almost finished.  There are lines to be added at her brow and the nape of her neck, plus showing the photo on its side enabled me to notice that I need to smooth out some of the stitching along the wisps of hair blowing in the wind.  They look a tad jagged.  Once that is done I'll pick up the dede Odgen cat topiary garden again.  I only have a month to finish that!

Jane screams, then runs away to stitch faster....

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at


  1. You are moving right along! Hope the quake did not unsettle you!

  2. Not at all. If I hadn't been leaning on the drug store counter and felt is shake, then seen the water in a water bottle surging, I wouldn't have known we just had a quake 200 miles SE of us. There were no effects here except Watson got under my husband's desk before he felt the rumble and the rattle of the photos in their frames on the end table.

  3. Loveb Miko's hair but above all I am in love with the background. I love it!!

    According to the contractor working in my house my dogs began to haul like crazy before the quakt and last night they didn't want to go outside; funny creatures
    We felt the tremor in NJ and it was quite awesomw

  4. Glad you like the background, Palma. This is step one of a two step stitch that I'll probably augment with a step three. It's called Gobelin Bars with Tent Stitches and I found it in Ruth Schmuff's Stitches Vol. One.

  5. So many folks liked Miko's background that I am going to do a posting about it on Saturday morning. Stay tuned, Palma!


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