
Monday, September 5, 2011

Uptown Girls

When I used one of the Uptown Girls canvases (a series from The Collection that features a young woman and her dog) as Canvas of the Day this week, lots and lots of folks commented on them.  Since many people don't read the comments or even pay attention to the Canvas of the Day, I thought I'd post the links here so everyone could enjoy them.  The series starts on this page.  There are more on Page 3.

The designer's website has even more of them, plus a stitched model.  It says they are sized to fit the Stirling purses.  I think they are a fun series myself and I'm very glad so many of you agree!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at


  1. So good you posted them Jane. I did go to the website last week and was impressed with them; makes one feel like stitching all of them. Forgot to tell Karen about your suggestion for a challenge - canvas picked individually, great idea.

  2. Now that this article has published, I'll post the link to it at Stitcherie so folks can consider these as a challenge. Thanks for the reminder, Palma!

  3. Jane and Paula, I agree this would be a fun challenge. I hadn't seen the airplane canvases - reminds me of my husband's aunt, who used to fly in the powder puff derby. I think this would be a unique challenge - pick your canvas, but with some design elements specified for all. This lemming is ready to play!

  4. The Uptown Girls series is 10 inches square on 18 count. They are about the upper limit of what folks can expect to get done during a Stitcherie challenge but I don't think they would take very long as there are large blocks of color in the backgrounds. Still, this is probably as large as anyone will want to undertake.

  5. I enjoy looking at the 'Canvas of the Day" just for the pretty designs, although I'll very probably never work on canvas again. I also have irresistable urges to click on the Flying Carpet.

  6. Megan, you crack me up. Most folks have the irresistable urge to click on the koi pond but you, being e-Rose, are always different!

    Glad you come visit, regardless.

  7. Thanks for sharing them all, they are great!


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