
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sampler Alert: The Betty Ring Sampler Sale and Catalogue

I'm not a sampler fiend. Actually, it took me years to realize that those who like to stitch repo samplers are actually using them as a sort of time machine to visit our stitching ancestors and explore their world. If you are a sampler lover, you'll want to read about the sale of Betty Ring's collection and the catalogue that Sotheby's is going to print to go along with the sale. Mrs. Ring's collection is very important and has samplers that aren't in her books so anyone who enjoys her books will want to pick up a copy of the catalogue if possible.  Pre-ordering sounds like a very good idea to me.  It didn't take Betty's books long to become very very expensive.  The catalogues will likely go the same route so act now.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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