
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Last Minute Shopping Advice

So you haven't gotten a present for the needlepointer you adore yet? Well, sit yourself right down and listen up--what you need is a gift certificate.

After all, needlepointers come in all sizes, shapes and sexes and they like a diversity of things.  You as a needlepoint novice have no idea what they might like or what they need, so look carefully at the credit card receipts to discover the needlepoint shop they patronize and give the store a call. Tell them you are desperately in need of a gift certificate for so-and-so and they'll take it from there.  After all, no one knows what your stitcher wants more than they do themselves, and the thrill of being able to buy something they've wanted but felt guilty about buying will make you their hero or heroine of the season.

No shop in your neighborhood or you can't find any receipts to give you a hint where to ask for help?  Not to worry--these fine folks can fix you right up.  Pull out your credit card and put yourself in their expert hands.  (But look carefully at each shop to see which meets your stitcher's needs best.   Judaica Needlepoint and Julie Pischke specialize in certain styles of needlepoint canvases.  The other links are better for a general gift certificate if you are really stumped.

If you'd rather give a gift of learning, the American Needlepoint Guild will be happy to help.

Just don't wait too long.  Folks are going to be shutting up shop for the holidays this week.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at


  1. don't forget--your local shops have gift certificates, too! support them!

  2. don't forget--your local needlepoint shops offer gift certificates!!! support them!!!!!


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