
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Religious Needlepoint

Byzatine Icon Canvases by Designing Women
I've always loved needlepoint with a religious slant to it. Of course the Nativity sets I admire are really all about the birth of Jesus at Christmas.  The beautiful menorah designs that I enjoy seeing are the universal symbol of Judaism.

Petei Canvas, Easel Style Finishing by Summer Truswell
There are quite a few lively Our Lady of Guadalupe designs available.  I stitched this one from Petei for my very dear sister in law a few years ago.  The two Byzantine icon designs at the top of the page were a Christmas gift for her daughters.  My family likes remembering the reason for the season at Christmas, so they love getting religious-themed designs.

Seeing these floral crosses from Ann Pace reminded me that I wanted to post two St. Francis canvases for you to enjoy.

They are both of St. Francis, the Catholic patron saint of animals.  Since I have a niece who is an ardent supporter of animal care and rights, one of these would be a perfect gift.

Now I just need to figure out which one!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at


  1. Beautiful ornaments, Jane. I, too, love religious symbols of Christmas. Hence, the numerous Nativity sets. Merry Christmas!


  2. I love these canvases, and I haven't seen them before. Exquisite stitching, Jane! I also love the religious ornaments. Stephanie, there are several nativities in our home, too, and I am stitching 4 different sets. I like to have at least one out all year long. Merry Christmas and blessings!

    ~Judy/Critter Cove Ranch

  3. Thanks, Judy. I'm glad I'm not the only person who loves Nativity sets. I am slowly accumulating Three Wise Men from Melissa Shirley and hope to stitch them one day.


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