
Saturday, January 14, 2012

A Single Pink Rose for TNNA

In the latest TNNA news, Vicky DeAngelis reveals a Needle Deeva project that will be available at the TNNA Sample It night.  It's a heart ornament with a single perfect pink rose in the middle.  I love roses, I love River Silks silk ribbons, I love Sundance beads and Swarovski crystals,  and I love pink, so this is something I really enjoyed looking at.

Vicky then goes on to showcase a few of the other Needle Deeva hearts that will be available for the first time at the Phoenix show next week and explains how the show works.  My piece I've been stitching for Leigh since Thanksgiving will be at the Galleria for the first time, by the way.  Stay tuned.  I'm sure both Vicky and Colleen and Robin (and probably other folks) will talk about what they see at the show so you don't have to wait until your shop owner gets home and unpacks to hear all about it.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at

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