
Monday, January 23, 2012

The Year of the Dragon

Chinese New Year Dragon

Today starts the New Year for the Chinese.  It is the Year of the Dragon, and apparently the water element influences the dragon zodiac in 2012.  Many folks know this already, of course, and I've had several folks ask me if I know of any new dragon designs coming out to mark the year.  I'm most familiar with the Leigh and Tapestry Tent dragon designs.  Let's start with Leigh Designs since that's first alphabetically.  Leigh has two smaller dragon canvases in her line currently.  The Chinese New Year dragon above is especially made to be used as an insert in the Lee tote bags.  It's not on the Leigh website because it is licensed to Lee/Colonial Designs.  Your shop will have to order it from Lee/Colonial for you.  I own this canvas (pictured above) and hope to have time to stitch it this year.

One of the Leigh fantasy pagodas is decorated with dragons,

as are all of her Drama Dragon masks.

She also has Ch'ing Dragon in her Chinese Dynasty ornament set.  That's her other small dragon canvas.  I've done a stitch guide for this one, which you can see on the CH Stitch Guide blog.

Leigh also created a series of eight dragons quite a few years back that occasionally turn up on eBay.  You may remember Sandy talking about her European dragon from this series this time last year.

Moving on to Tapestry Tent, the company does a series of large and elaborate fairy tale dragon canvases.  Here are all I could find.  This site has three listed at the top of this section.  Click on the little photos for a better look.

Liz of Tapestry Tent also has a magnificent Santa and the dragon stocking.

Creative Needle has a nice dragon design, less cluttered and probably a quicker stitch.

dede Odgen has a nice Year of the Dragon zodiac stand up figure.  She also has two dragon belt canvases but I couldn't find a good enough photo of those to show you.

HP Designs has several smaller stylized dragons.

Interested in a dragon-patterned kimono shape?  JP Needlepoint and Lee can fix you right up!

Lee also has a dragon-patterned fan.

A similar dragon by Lee is an insert for one of their leather bags.

This is getting rather long, so if you haven't found the dragon of your dreams yet, I suggest you visit Fireside Stitchery and search on dragon.  You'll see two dragon boxes, a lantern with a dragon pattern, a magnificent Michelene Love canvas of a dragon protecting its egg, a gorgeous red dragon from HP Designs and much more.

If you have a favorite dragon canvas that I haven't found, please mention it in the comments below.  Your fellow fire-breathing fans will thank you!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at

1 comment:

  1. C. (born in the year of the dragon) emailed me that dede Odgen's newest sun ornament series has one called Summer Dragon Breath. You can see it on Vicky's market report 1/22.

    C. reports that NN of LJ is having a dede trunk show at 25% off. If you look carefully at their photograph of Summer Dragon Breath, you can see two dragons in the border.

    Thanks, C! Happy Year of the Dragon!


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