
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Bargello Samplers: A Review

Finger Step Designs has released a new project book called "Bargello Samplers: Fun With Upright Stitches", and in this article on her website, Janet Perry reviews it.

Here is a listing of all Finger Step Designs' patterns and project books.  Bargello Samplers is at the bottom of the page.  Click on any title to see a photo and more details.  Finger Step does cross stitch, needlepoint and 3-D projects, so a description will help you figure out just what you might want to stitch.  They do very inventive work, whether it is a Scottish Fold cat in 3-D, a cross stitch sampler based on our childhood board games, a needlepoint neighborhood, or frame weights.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at

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