
Monday, June 18, 2012

Let's Make A Pillow (or Two)

I am cheap so I do a lot of my own finishing. It's not as hard as you would think, although you do have to be patient (always MY downfall!) and take it step by step. A sewing machine is useful although I often add trim around the edges of an ornament with hand sewing.  Good instructions make it all clearer so I was glad to see the Focus On Finishing blog has just posted two tutorials on how to make two styles of small ornamental pillows.  The stitching is counted thread but the finishing is the same for any type of needlework you want to make into a pillow.

Anne's site is a great resource so bookmark it for finishing ideas and help the next time you decide to turn some of your completed stitching into something to display and use.

If you shudder every time you think of "sewing machine" then this little coaster project is going to be right up your alley.

However, if you absolutely do not want to tackle your own finishing or you are looking for ideas have fun browsing this great finishing website.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at


  1. Hi Jane,
    Have had several ornaments finished by Sue at West Coast and she is wonderful!


  2. Jane, just feel the need to remind people that if you are finishing a pillow, you need an industrial machine. The newer sewing machines with computers cannot deal with the many layers of fabric required in doing a pillow with cording. I've had people scream at me that they had to pay hundreds to have their machines repaired. Because they didn't believe me. Mary Agnesw

  3. Thanks for the reminder, MA. I have a very old machine that'll stitch through anything except leather, so it never occurred to me that this might be a problem. Cording can be a real pain. I normally stitch it by hand if I am adding it to a project and I have to admit, I don't do pillows often. Ornaments are more my speed these days.

  4. Cindy, your recommendation matters. It's good to know they are as good as their website looks.


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