
Saturday, September 8, 2012

TNNA Baltimore: Friday Report UPDATED

Folks are starting to report about the first day of the Baltimore show.  Quail Run ran into Jo I. Christensen, the author of The Needlepoint Book, and discovered she is writing a new book!

Colleen of The Needle Works in Austin has news, too.  Brenda Stofft has a new website!  Follow the link to explore it.  I expect a full report from you guys.  I won't get a chance to look at it until tonight.

Robin reports in about Friday at TNNA.  Photos are promised tomorrow. How about sending us some samples of those crab cakes, Robin?

UPDATE:  Jo Christensen is everywhere, well, at the Needle Deeva's room anyway.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
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