
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Knock, Knock! Trick or Treat?

Lord of Fire, Courtesy of Ann Madson

How about a treat? I have something extra special for you to see today, courtesy of Ann Madson who spent the last few months stitching three of the Drama Dragon masks from Leigh Designs using stitch guides from Brenda Hart. They are MAGNIFICENT.

Earth Warrior, Stitch Guide by Brenda Hart

First, you need to see the entire unstitched series so you can truly appreciate Ann's work and Brenda's clever guides.  Here they are on the LD website.  Can you see the lovely bead accents on Lord of Fire and how each circle has a different pattern in red and gold?

Earth Warrior has a wonderful padded nose as well as fantastic gold scrollwork.  I particularly like the way Ann used yellows, golds and oranges in each round circle's pattern.  His tassels are particularly beautiful.

Golden Emperor, Design By Leigh Richardson of Leigh Designs
Golden Emperor has stunning gold patterns on the golden bodies of the dragons that twist and coil next to more lovely gold scrollwork.  There are a lot of shades of gold on this piece but somehow Brenda and Ann figured out how to make each gold area distinct from the others.

Ann says she just stitched the way Brenda told her to but I think this has been the perfect collaboration of designer, stitch guide writer and stitcher, don't you?

Happy Halloween!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at


  1. Be still, my beating heart! These are gorgeous! I have Lord of Fire, which I have not started, but Ann's beautiful stitching makes me want to stitch the others. Absolutely amazing! Great work!


    1. These are stunningly beautiful. Lucky Ann will probably frame them and display them together. I want to stitch one myself but I can't decide which one and of course there's no time!


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