
Friday, November 9, 2012

Bread and Fishes

The power of the Internet brings wonderful examples of stitching right into our homes, where we can analyze, study and enjoy it all.   Aren't we lucky to be living now?  We can learn from wonderful stitchers like Vicky DeAngelis who is stitching one of the Keep Calm canvases from Unique New Zealand.  She decided on an open background with a darning pattern of fish which you can just barely seen in the lower left corner of the last two photos.

Then look and see what happened to the background.  Vicky understands no matter how clever the idea, how terrific the stitch, it doesn't pay to fall in love with it if it isn't just right for that particular canvas.  (Besides, now Vicky can go buy a new canvas with her fish background in mind.)

On the other hand, the Domestique, if she ever had doubts, is past them as she presents a finished framed John Johannsen design from Melissa Shirley.  This piece is full of ideas, such as the overdyed thread used to great effect in the background, the combination of ribbon and beads on The Bread Girl's flying ribbons and the interesting sleeves and waistband.  These are all from a Carolyn Hedge Baird stitch guide but that doesn't mean we can't reuse Carolyn's great ideas elsewhere.

I am often asked where I get ideas for the painted canvases I stitch  Mostly, I cheat.  I carefully study pieces I see and file away great ideas for later.  It might be a great stitch or it might be a color combination I like.  Or maybe it's Vicky's experience discarding a great stitch for one that suits her canvas better.  All of these great stitchers help me become a great stitcher, and they will do the same for you if you study their experiences and emulate them as much as possible.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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