
Saturday, November 10, 2012

I Need Me Some Silk Ribbon Inspiration

Say you are interested in learning about stitching with silk ribbon on needlepoint canvas but your local shop --assuming you have one-- doesn't carry it.  You don't know anyone who has ever done silk ribbon embroidery, either.  Where do you start?  Well, you pick up a Kit to Go from River Silks, the company that makes the most lovely silk ribbons in three widths and zillions of colors.   I love their ribbons and have used them in many projects.  It's wonderful ribbon for needlepointers.

The kits have everything you need, the ribbons, a needle, and the canvas.  The stitch guide you download from the River Silks site (guides for specific projects and help with various common stitches are listed under Education or you can click on this link).

If you are ready to jump in (which is what I always do, usually screaming KAWABUNGA! much to my husband's dismay), check out the various kits and find an effect you want to try to replicate, then look at the stitch guide for that project.

Have fun!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at


  1. Thank you so much for the great article!

    Jill K Dutcher
    Marketing/ Web Development
    River Silks Ltd


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