
Friday, December 21, 2012

Hot Chocolate and Poinsettias

I had no idea that it was National Hot Chocolate Day or National Poinsettia Day last week. Do you think I am not paying enough attention to the calendar?!  Luckily both Vicky and Sheena let me know about the special days on the calendar that I otherwise would have missed out on.  First up, Sheena, with a not-to-be-missed Hershey's Kisses Stitch for the background of a candy-themed canvas.

Then Vicky showcased some gorgeous painted canvases that feature poinsettias.

Speaking of great stitches, Colleen at Needle Works posted several stitches appropriate for a single line on your canvas on her Share a Stitch Sunday feature.  Somehow I thought of the names on stockings as a good place to use one of these.  Christmas and poinsettias and hot chocolate are in the air!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
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