
Saturday, February 9, 2013

TNNA Postings Continue

Folks are continuing to post about TNNA, especially now that shop owners and designers are back home and unpacked, with time to post photographs and impressions of the show.  So I am still updating the TNNA Winter 2013 tab above.  The latest items are on top and in BOLD lettering.  I am eager to hear if you like this format, with everything in one place.  Or do you prefer postings as they happen as I have done in the past?  I am eager to hear what you think, Dear Reader.  Please add Comments or email me at chilly hollow at hotmail dot com if the Comment section doesn't work for you.

Eventually the TNNA Winter 2013 tab will disappear.  I plan to copy everything there into one article in the main body of Blog so you can find it later if you wish to look something up.  Feedback is appreciated!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at


  1. The posts were awesome Jane. It is nice to have all the info in one spot and I particularly liked the "boldness" of the newest news, although it didn;t prevent me from reading the "old" ones over and over. Well done, thank you

    1. Glad this format worked for you, Palma. There is so much information that it is very very hard to organize things.

  2. Yes, I love you doing it this way. Then I know what is new, plus if I want to reread an old one, I know where it is.

    You had a great idea and keep it up with all the shows.

    PS, I read your blog every day.

    1. Thanks! I appreciate the compliment and the feedback. Anyone hate this way of posting about the trade shows?

  3. I appreciate the organization of all the tradeshow information in one place. I also went back and looked at the older listings. The trunk show/sale tab is excellent as well.

  4. Thanks for the feedback, Kathy. I am glad this set up is useful for you and that the Trunk Show/Sales tab helps you, too. I like it as I am not constantly writing new articles about various sales (there are a ton each month!) but it helps to know others like it, too.

  5. Hi Jane, I love this new format. I just go the tab to look versus searching your site. All the work is greatly appreciated.

    1. Good to know you find it useful, Sheena. There is SO much information! But at least it is all in one place.


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