
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Reading Blogs on Smart Phones UPDATED

I decided I'd better reposting this update to the Destination Dallas article, just so as many folks as possible would see it.  Sorry if this is duplicate information for you!

Marsha just let me know that when she uses her smart phone to read Blog, she can't see the tabs to go to other sections of the site (like Destination Dallas).  We experimented a bit and she discovered that when she typed in the URL to go to Blog, she can see the tabs.  When she gets to Blog via a Google search, she can't.  I discovered that when I use my iPod Touch to read Blog, only the Home tab shows BUT there is a little red triangle to the right of the Home tab.  If I click on that, a list of all the tabs appears and I can choose the one I want to visit.  This should work for iPhones but I don't know about Android users.If you are a smart phone user (and about 500 people a week visit Blog via smartphones), you might want to know these things and play around with them.  Let me know what you find out, ok?   I use tabs more than any other blogger I know but quite a few people use 1-2 on their blog so this is important to know.  You might be missing something!

UPDATE:  Donna uses an Android phone and sees the red triangle when she visits Blog so this must be a universal way of handling multiple blog tabs.  Thanks for the info, Donna!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
and at
@ Copyright 2013 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.


  1. I read with an Android phone and have the same red triangle option.


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