
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Just Background

Denise of the Stitching Sisters has posted a photograph of a fantastic Barbara Elmore class she took with Linda.   Take careful note of the background.  It is completely covered except for the flower heads and stems with one stitch, background and leaves both.  The stitch is an open darning stitch so the colors of the leaves show through nicely without your having to switch threads or stitches.  Then the stems are stitched (I think that is a padded satin stitch) and the flower centers beaded.  The final touch are some simple ribbon stitches in sheer ribbons.  It's really a perfect quick and easy project to learn to use beads and ribbons and open stitches.

See?  Backgrounds don't have to be hard!

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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@ Copyright 2013 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

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