
Friday, December 20, 2013

The Counted Christmas Treat

Ruth Schmuff just announced a new counted canvas design from Kimberly called "Texture and Shine."   The design is small and meant to be used with Vineyard Silk and Vineyard Merino Wool in the same color, so Ruth is kitting it up with a contrasting color of 8x8 18 count canvas and two threads in your favorite color. This and the chart cost only $20. What a deal and just in time for Christmas!  Either gift your stitching buddy or stitch it yourself.  Thanks, Kimberly and Ruth!  I can see your partnership is going to be very good for us all in 2014!  

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
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@ Copyright 2013 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.


  1. Oh! Oh! Oh! This looks like fun! Thanks for finding these gems, Jane! :-)

    1. It is my great pleasure, Erica. I hope you do the pink on white with gold sparkles!

  2. No, thank YOU! (And Ruth for kitting it all up.) It is always a pleasure to see what you are up to, plus my counted canvas friends need a little love occasionally!


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