
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The First of the Month Newsletter Collection

It's the first of the month and you know what that means--shop newsletters!   Not every shop does a newsletter, and not every shop releases their newsletter on Day One of the Month, but enough do that I thought I'd collect them all here in one place so you could have a happy browse between fits of holiday madness.

Amy's Golden Strand is full of Amy Bunger goodness and ideas for couching to get various effects.  Hummmm.  Wonder if my Russian Santa needs a coiled and couched beard?  By the way, Amy's going to a bi-monthly newsletter in 2014.  Please join me in weeping copious tears over six fewer fun messages from Amy next year!

Speaking of Russian Santas, Leigh Deigns has put out their latest newsletter.  As always, it is full of the warm personality of Leigh herself and tidbits about her designs.  (By the way, I know Leigh Designs isn't a shop but I thought you'd enjoy their newsletter, so I included it here.)

Bedecked and Beadazzled has a fun December newsletter for you today, too.

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
Blogging at
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@ Copyright 2013 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

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