
Sunday, May 25, 2014

Mary is Organized

Since we all love hearing about everyone else's organizational schemes, let's go to Mary's house and see how she stores her silk floss from Silk Mill.   Look carefully at the four inch wide black binders.  They have a little plastic cover on the front, which probably means you can lift the plastic and insert a sheet of paper on the front or back if you like.  You can also stick some papers in the half plastic pockets on the inside of the front and back cover.  I would put my paper color cards in these if I had them for these threads.

I hope you find this inspiring.  By the way, Silk Mill's a French company with a website that'll knock your socks off with all the pretty colors.  I've not seen their floss but Mary's done a review (second link).

Written by Jane/Chilly Hollow
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© Copyright april 29, 2014 Jane M. Wood. All rights reserved.

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